About Me

My name is Benedicto Navarro or Ben for short. Born and raised in San Francisco, I am also a middle child of 4. As I work towards breaking into the tech field, my career job is to become a data analyst. While I'm not working on my professional growth, I enjoy exploring the city (on foot), binge watching tv shows and looking for new taquerias to try their burritos.

Data analyst

I believe history is destined to repeat itself as I wanted to become a historian growing up. I got to incorporate that with data. My previous role as a supervisor for a snack startup, I was responsible for managing multiple snack budgets for our clients. I found myself struggling to stay under budget until I started to notice a trend: putting out less snacks gave me more flexibility within their budget. By putting out less of a certain snack, I was able to allocate that extra money into products the workers enjoyed more ex: Avocados.I continued this for months and noticed more people coming in early to grab their favorite snacks before they were gone for the day. Doing this, I was able to predict and even dictate eating habits. Also got kudos from office managers for encouraging workers to start their day early. This is what piqued my interest in becoming a data analyst. The trends, patterns and numbers all made sense to me and I know that I wanted to pursue a career in this field.